I Opened My Eyes.

"Bleek.. my dear!!"
This was the first thing I heard in my life. Still I don't know who called me because there were too many people standing around me and gazing at me. Really. it was so irritating. It was my home that I know because of the pink curtain in that room (which I now know is our living room). It was an awkward moment. Everybody was looking at me.. me only. Soon I saw a black large shadow walking towards me. I became so afraid and I began to cry. What are you smiling at? I am so young. like what? No way am gonna tell my age to you..! :-p

Any way that large shadow was my uncle Jonathan Brooks who is living a couple of blocks away and who likes to sit on his big white couch and eat lots of cheetos and watch TV. Remember him, he is gonna play a big role in my life. Uncle Brooks is single. But to my knowledge he married four women in the past. The third one was with him for five months and that's the record. But I like him pretty much. I'll tell you why. Before that I think that I should be telling something about myself  since this whole blog is about me.

I am James Bleek Jr. Honestly guys I don't like my name. What kind of name is Bleek? And to make it worse it have a junior at the end. You don't know how hard is to live your whole life as a Junior. It was my great grandma Mendy's decision to name me so. Bleek is my great grandpa who died in some war. In my family the eldest person takes the final decision. Hopefully, when I will be the oldest one in my family, I will rename myself. My father works in the bank. He's the manager. My mom is pretty much busy taking care of Dad, Me and my brother and so she never bothered to find another job. But when mom and dad get in to fight I've heard a couple of times that Mom is more educated than Dad but Uncle Brooks says that it's just a joke. Who know the truth?

Next year I am going to be in the first grade. I am pretty much excited about the fact that I am only two weeks away from first grade.

Judy is my best friend. In fact she is my only friend. She is also my age and her house is a couple of blocks away from mine next to uncle Brooks. So she does spy works about Uncle for me. In return I give her chocolate pies, she likes those very much.